Walking with Him

Christ is our personal example because he loved humans enough to confront their faults with empathy, but most of us are blinded like children to the magic of the story.

I loathe these flocks of station that reduce our Savior to a miracle or moral to support their claims to privilege. They minimize Christ in their denominational divisions with an air of spiritual superiority that transcends hypocrisy. Christ is freedom because he was free.

He had no church. He despised the temple and what it had become; and he was at odds with the religious leaders of the times because he saw through their hypocrisy. Why would we think he would view today’s church in any other manner?

Christ didn’t carry a Bible, he was the New Testament. A testament to love, forgiveness, and selfless virtues. He didn’t fear opposition, he welcomed it with words of wisdom. All we have today is the dizziness of orators offering interpretations based on ideologies competing for tithes. What Jesus received, was received for others, through him we were blessed.

Today, maybe more than ever, our body is our temple. Our bible is kept at home for a reason. Build your temple on His life and you can’t go wrong. You don’t need another man to tell you to love and respect others. You don’t have to be part of any group to offer a hand up. All you need is to feel the humanity that Jesus highlighted and appended your mind, heart, and arms to the world.

I’ve seen His spirit in many people. Some through their acts, others through their words. Ive seen this with my own heart. So those of you selling faith can walk on by, because my mind is open to a world of wonder where my heart can roam free and my arms can embrace people who are mired in religion. You can’t “walk with Jesus” sittin in a pew!

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  1. Pingback: From Bibles and other religious writings and those who witness for Jehovah | Belgian Biblestudents - Belgische Bijbelstudenten

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