Tag Archives: class warfare

Kill Boomer

Boomer, what an asshole. Nobody ever really liked him. He was some quasi hippie/Brady kid who ended up taking a corporate position where he bought into the “American Dream” mostly to be cool, or know someone who he could feed off. He never was a hippie, but went to “Woodstock” on money he borrowed from his parents cause he heard everyone would get laid.

The problem with “Boomer” is he’s a pariah. He isn’t a leader, rather a follower with enough dollars and status to have a say. Begrudgingly the avant guard tolerates him for the mutual benefit, he becomes wealthier and more powerful and they gain some legitimacy.

I got this headache reading an article on “Trump” not hearing the music. I knew the deal as soon as he kept mentioning “Dylan” and the Nobel literature prize. By now, due to Nobel board members confessing, we know there is a political consideration that goes with winning this award. After Obama won his it was obvious that the award was sometimes awarded for what the Nobel committee hoped the recipient would accomplish. So in the end the prize is part of the avant guard’s movemen to influence culture in countries they’ve never visited, except vicariously.

Boomer isn’t interested in the prize. He’s more interested in influencing who gets the award. Then he’ll hold that award over the recipients head and coerce him /her into attending parties where the recipient can elevate the influence Boomer has over the award they’re having the celebration for. It’s always about Boomer.

By now, Boomer has influenced hippies, yuppies, techies and any other “ie” you can imagine. He sits atop an imaginary throne in a housecoat looking at the photo’s in old issues of his Playboy collection dreaming he was a young man when Marilyn was still high.

This “liberal” movement has an unchanging history of some quasi. Socialist utopia where everyone can paint, sculpt, or play in a band. There is no money, folks barter with wine and “doobies” for sex and services. Like the guy from Canada who started this rant with his article, they all would live in a community named Habitat 101 and share common fallacies by dragging up ancient philosophies and twisting them into a yoga that only celebrates how you can contort your body.

The danger of Boomer is he’s still alive. We should have kept Abraham, Martin, and John and laid waste to Boomer. We all would be chanting to a different chakra today.

Anyway, watch out for this dude. He morphs easily into many different forms. If you see him hit the gas or give him a shove on the escalator. If you need an alibi call me. I’ll testify he was just an old guy to slow to get out of everyone’s way. I’ll tell them I was afraid this would happen because he rarely considered his actions past the effect they had on himself, and therefore put an enormous strain on his cou… I mean friends, if you could call them that. I’ll testify he has made enemies of his friends, but bought favor, therefore creating an infinite number of enemies.

Once he’s gone we can reign in the avant guard and put them in some art therapy classes in a community we’ll call habitat 69. We can paint the wall around it psychedelic and hand out some “window pane” for breakfast. Then we can finally appease these idiots without too much undue stress on our trip.


To all my brothers and sisters out there; just know that poverty is an idea they made up to keep us in our place because we see things differently. Not better or worse, cause we don’t give a fuck what you do or have. We only care for ours.

We have to get past the idea that govt, religion, or schools are gonna bring us together; we are together everyday of our lives and most days are good, without those institutions. They’re the ones that divided the world up to suit their needs anyway.

Looking at poverty on a horizontal scale, rather than vertical gives me perspective. I’m not at the bottom of any hierarchy. I’m not to the left of any curve. I’m here, with my folks livin, lovin, and strugglin as was meant to be. Your place is of no concern to me, I’m an American to the point I’m free and peaceful till someone or something challenges that, all that other shit is just fodder to keep lesser men feeling good about their insecurities.

Government owns society. Is culture an escape from society? Ask yourself that question. They try to promote that multicultural shit so they could get ahead of us being left alone. They hand out a few dollars and state cheese trying to make you feel like you’re in debt, bitch your economy would fall if you weren’t handing out something.

The bureaucracy surrounding public assistance reaches out deep into every sector of our economy. You got these haters out there talking about drug testing or community service. Go ahead and take your vouchers and milk then see how far your class warfare will get you. You’ll see millions more in them freebee lines, cause most of them folks handing that shit out lost that connection between their hands and their heads long ago, if they ever had it.

It’s our poverty that reveals your greed. You dig up our huts to reveal past truths about a culture you ain’t part of to demonstrate your status as wealthy. There ain’t no connection bitch. You don’t know what cold feels like when there’s no heat to be found or hunger when the next meal has to be found.

Poverty is a concept you made up to make the common man believe he was somewhat less, but you marvel at our ingenuity in museums and history books. You dig deep into archives with dollars and delusional dignity trying to find a connection to a struggle you were never part of.

Well I’m back where I belong from that middle class myth of the “American Dream”; I’m awake now to the lies and deceit. Down here folks don’t live off another mans work and no man lives off theirs. If someone lends you a hand you shake it and smile and that’s all you accept when it’s your turn.

This is “The American” they’ll be digging up in 1000 years. This is the man those weak ass wannabes will be going through family lineage to find an attachment to for posterity Just so they can say “I came from the working class.”, bitch you came from ignorance and wouldn’t have lasted a day with my folks.

Everyone wants better for their children or the next generation. What is better? Is it finding enough comfort to judge others? Is it gathering more things to keep boredom at bay? Is it having enough money to buy your way through some perceived tough time? For me it’s demonstrating that dignity isn’t tied to the economy and respect doesn’t wear clothes or drive cars, it takes pride in itself regardless of what others believe. Stand on your own two feet, even if someone helps you up because you’re always a human like everyone else.