Tag Archives: American dream

Freedom isn’t a right, it’s a human condition

I indulge myself often on philosophy or religious and atheist sites. I don’t do this to troll, although I do speak my mind. My goal is not the banter though. My goal is to hear what folks are saying on both sides of this political existence many folks are living. It’s not encouraging either.

The most basic fundamental human condition is freedom. It’s not a right, because that would imply someone has control over freedom. The government does not give me the right to be free, I own it as a human being. This country was formed to protect that from real threats abroad. Now it has morphed into the belief by many that the government owns our rights, they don’t.

There are human courtesies that apply to fellow Americans where we give up some of our rights in times of trouble to defend the collective freedom of the group, but that’s resistance to tyranny. We respect boundaries, trade fairly, and don’t harm others for our personal benefit. Outside of this we have no obligation to government unless we seek to do business within its borders. Not everyone is a “worker”!

We don’t all follow along with participating in a disturbed dream that is littered with ill intention and unearned gains. We can live in America as Americans and not participate in that existence, and we can do this in a way we’re not “off the grid” or separatist. It’s our right as humans.

Entirely too many young folks today abridge the definition of freedom when it comes to government. They talk about their rights as if they’re granted by the government, they’re not. They talk about having conditions to our freedom, they’re are two, pay and charge fairly if you conduct business and don’t do anything to harm or cheat another person. If I do either of those two I’m liable to the government of the country regulating order. I am not in debt with my rights because I was born American.

Seat belt laws were the beginning of the legal system hustling our rights. It was a way to generate revenue and create an industry; strangely enough it was largely due to the efforts of a liberal, Ralph Nader.

I don’t like the laws. They’re intrusive and punish folks for their individual choices. However, I chose to get a drivers license in the state I reside and therefore it’s my obligation to follow the laws associated with having a license. I could have chosen not to get a license and payed for public transportations where there are no seat belts.

We need to educate young Americans on what it means to be an American. It doesn’t mean you turn over your rights as humans or the rights of being of parent to a government just because you live in a state within the US border. It doesn’t mean your freedom is conditional based on government ideals. You’re free as a human to do and have whatever you wish as long as it doesn’t involve hurting another person or their endeavors to be successful. Bottom line.

We need to protect this idea before the ignorance among us affirms to the government they have rights to our freedom. Our weapons are the latest hit. Before we even understood what was going on in this last shooting they came out of the woodwork like roaches calling for control over something they shouldn’t have any control over.

This latest tragedy occurred again in one of the most regulated states in the heart of the progressive movement. The “village” mentality that is so precious to the idiots failed this kid. He was left to the village and wondered what appears to be aimlessly after the death of two parents who adopted him and it seemed they couldn’t handle. The “village” ignored him along with law enforcement and the mental health system so he got their attention.

I’m not defending him by no means, he should die or go away forever, but facts are facts and they provide answers to the future. So to come out and cheer for gun control, of which you have no right, is deceitful and intentionally harming future kids. In fact, it’s your hands washed in their blood for not seeking real solutions to real problems. Instead you focus on taking the voting power of the gun owning Americans away to advance your dysfunction. Remember those that started screaming during the elections, they’re liars, and vote accordingly.

Garden of Tomorrow

Don’t mistake me for the workin man
I ain’t down with wages and death
I’m not following another mans plan

You fell for the dream
Cause they caught you sleeping
And you bought the farm

Now you’re afraid to awaken
To the reality
Of what has been taken

You’ve swallowed a lie
And refused to hack
It was easier to follow
Another mans track

Now you look sideways at your prodigy
Wonder when they’ll realize
You’re a sleep walker
Traveling as a man in disguise

All those dollars you paid to a lie
You saw a doctor, who saw a dollar
Now you’re sick a tired
In a medicinal stupor

You forfeited youth
For a lie
And your dignity
Was your high

You’re the American way
Just short of truth
And captured by the day

I know you had that moment,
That moment where the reality superseded the dream
And you looked around at all you’ve collected that’s turned gray and sags with the weight of years and ignorance. Then you were vested in futility.

Suddenly the guy who has nothing redefined wealth and you’re bankrupt by all accounts. You had no sense of what is more,
or less sad.

I see you, I hear you shuffling
Down creaky hallways mumbling
About “back in the day”
When you were weak stumbling
Along behind another mans way

You never stood tall
Bowing down to fools
And applauding other men
Using you as a tool

I created dollars with my mind
Making sense with my hands
Looking after mine in kind
Sharing dirt and sifting sand

We grew strong folks like weeds
That don’t swallow lies for dollars
Or sell their legacy for another man’s pockets full of influence

Revolution will come one day
And all you’ve fabricated will return to green and dirt where you’ll rest
Eternally in the arms of a lie.

It will be our seed that flourishes
In the garden of tomorrow
You got too greedy, too consumed
With the rope we afforded you

Life and Times!!!

I struggle hourly to rise above family, community, career, nationality to sit at the top of the triangle with Maslow as a human self actualized; I am a person!

The boxes we are put in are so numerous it requires a daily inventory to hold onto who we are. Possibly our first big step is out of our family.

The characters that are projected on us by our parents and the myriad of relatives are nothing short of schizophrenic. A smile here, kind word there, all the while we hold ourselves in check till we can open the box and jump out with our hands in the air wiggling all around like we don’t have a care.

If this skin isn’t thick enough; we enter our community with myths and lies that form a straight jacket of characters that irritate the schizophrenic experience. Our friends, family, and teachers all know a different side of us. Our neighbors just observe this drama and shake their heads.

Then comes independence. A consolidation of characters form the new you as you step out onto the streets of independence. The job!!! The check!!! The beginning of the end of you. Now you’ve sold your independence back on a thirty year fixed rate of descent. Livin the phase life!!!

Your pride has been reduced to a flag, your worth a dollar, and your dreams return to a youthful longing for everything you’ve traded. Questions formed too late. The thin line between bravery and berserk drive you crazy. There’s too much to take to leave your life.

This construct within the “American Dream ” is neatly packaged in this developmental deal. It’s not until you no longer need the system, (or it doesn’t need you) that you realize too late freedom was the carrot and you were the ass pulling the cart for the bastard with the whip.

So here I sit outside the box sliding down the vertices like a slip and slide gone wild. The point of the exercise is lost in the struggle. Maybe it would all be easier if Maslow developed a more linear theory, why a triangular approach?

For now I am just gonna love in a more linear world where birth and death are at either end remembered or feared. I figure if I take this whole thing called life one step at a time I’m less likely to stumble and no one can direct my steps to their goal. I’m just free to live.