Tag Archives: political



I’m thinking about these current turmoils and tryin to make sense out of nonsense. Although it’s obvious that what is happening today is perpetrated by politicians, pariahs, and perpetrators, it’s a learning opportunity. It’s a chance to highlight history and make folks further understand how great our country is.

I’m not the one to coddle attention seeking behavior. It’s clear as day that just creates a dysfunctional co dependence that serves no one. While we have to acknowledge folks feeling, we don’t need to be taking advantage of their dissonance.

I’m a white older man, so by default I don’t have a say. Luckily I don’t believe that. I build things for a living. I ain’t off the grid yet, I’m closer to under the radar. When I’m building things I understand that the foundation of what I’m building is the most important part. If my foundation is not sound, my finish product will be junk.

It’s like that with life. We all have problems along the way. Money, marriage, children all challenge our ability to solve problems. Finding the origin of our problem is very important. We do that by talking, even if it’s a little uncomfortable. Most functional people have experienced that satisfaction when you let go of your stress or anger and worked a problem out honestly with a wife, a friend, or co worker. At the very least you understood where each person was coming from and agree to disagree, or even better, compromised.

In public forums this is a lost art. Folks just spout out examples, dig up statistics that are available for any side you choose, and devolve into idiots “super posting”, which is the equivalent of screaming. In most cases if the origins are against your side your racist. Most folks don’t even understand the difference between race, ethnicity, and culture. So you have idiots skipping the origin using the wrong terminology.

I’ve use this example before. You can be intelligent enough to structure a dissertation that’s perfect, but if your thesis is the comparison of how high dog fleas jump compared to cat fleas, you’re probably not to smart. And yes, that was an actual topic. You gotta do a little work to have an educated opinion, and most folks don’t have that kind of training, they rant emotional non sense.

I ain’t tryin to keep anybody outta the conversation. You just need to be open to listening and responding in a manner that’s civilized if you want an outcome with positive results. I’m not sure many folks want that though, it seems that many folks believe their side and their self are one. At that point you’re not productive.

There are a myriad of sub cultures that ascribe to certain ethnicities. The race is sometimes an issue. Like Christian groups, there is a color line in many white and black churches. The Muslim groups that don’t allow whites. Even the Jews, who’s race and ethnicity create a segregated culture. Non of these groups are a race.

Within all of these groups there is a segment that is poor. Poverty is one of the common denominators involved with American dysfunction. If you’re poor, you’re gonna have more contact with law enforcement. If you’re poor you’re gonna have schools that aren’t as well funded as others. If you’re poor your food source isn’t as healthy. The list goes on.

You raise a kid in a poor environment living these truths without a father, or two parents, and it’s a recipe for disaster. Doesn’t matter what ethnicity, race, or culture, it’s not a good outlook. That’s not to say you can’t be poor and your kids make it to another socio economic class. Some folks live in poverty and the kids do fine, provided the parents are involved and attentive.

We’re missing these conversations and focusing on the results of these phenomena. We aren’t focusing on what the culture around us is teaching kids, we’re reacting to the product of this dysfunction like a single parent raising “little man”. We aren’t asking the tough questions of family structure and parenting, we’re feeding the delusions of subsets of cultures so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings. Honesty about the origins of our problems is a starting point, not a view point.

Chasing ghosts of the past is like tryin to grasp smoke, you end up with a handful of nothing. We’ve let the politic destroy our common sense. We go through this same shit every election year. Politicians rely on this ignorance because it will propel them, along with their culture, one step closer to utopia. If you’re blinded by this you’re just a mouthpiece for your own oppressor.

Guns, Drugs, and Burgers

You ever kneel down to a three year old and hold up three fingers and ask them how old they are. They light up and proudly hold their three fingers up and answer, “I’m three”!

Then you change the configuration of your three fingers and ask again and they respond, “No!” Holding up the original three fingers and repeat in a determined tone, “I’m this many!” This is our dilemma socially when it comes to society and culture.

The latest shooting in Florida is another in the tragedies involving guns. There are many folks out there who do not like guns and use these situations to further their delusions that guns are dangerous. They do this to the detriment of all of us.

I don’t want to focus on the family and community failing this kid and his victims. I want to focus on mental health. We do not understand mental health as a nation and refuse to listen to the folks that do understand it because the voice of ignorance is to damned loud. Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. Until we understand this basic premise we’ll continue to see incidents like this because there are a lot of sick and neglected young folks out there that we’ve marginalized.

You don’t have to stretch the imagination far to consider sexual abuse in the same light. Luckily mental health folks are very involved with this problem in America. They have to work real hard to be heard over law enforcement budget concerns and a sensationalized justice system.

For years we were told to watch for the guy in the trench coat hanging around the neighborhood. Now we’re told to watch the computer screen for predators lurking in the dark web. This allowed law enforcement to create a whole bureaucracy within the justice system. The incidence of these crimes haven’t subsided, like school shootings.

The reason these issues are still prevalent is because the whole time the real danger for most victims was in the family or family friendships. The majority of the perpetrators didn’t fly in from outta state to abuse a child, they were already in the house or neighborhood going to parties or get togethers forming relationships and trust. That’s not as sensational as the guy caught on camera meeting a 15 year old in a sting set up on TV.

We don’t even consider the psychology behind the horrific legacy because the headlines are sensational. The answer is identification of behaviors and treatment to prevent these tragedies.

Addiction to drugs is another “epidemic” in America. For over a century we have labored under the ignorance that “it takes an addict to treat an addict.” This is another mental health area that the folks who understand the condition have been drowned out. Mostly by entrepreneurs seeking to come further outta their own addiction.

These folks kept the narrative quasi spiritual with an experiential twist. “If you haven’t been there, you don’t understand!” Soon religion got involved and turned the “12 Steps” into some purpose driven stairway to heaven. These systems could do more harm than good. Mental health professionals understand addiction on a therapeutic level that have psychological principles as their foundations.

They understand the addiction is a symptom. They understand that an addict is an addict. Whether you’re a 40 year old upper middle class house wife popping Xanax and hydrocodone to make it through the day or a heroine addict drawing water from a mud puddle to heat your fix, you’re the same. They understand that the addiction, regardless of its form, is a response to the addicts experiences. Not the drug choice.

Another fiction we’ve endured is the “cop shooting” lie. I call it a lie because this one is purposely developed. The real issue was not race. It was about poverty and policing. We still never got to the bottom of the issue because we never identified the issue.

Turns out it didn’t matter what race you were, if you were living in the lower socio economic class you were more likely to end up in a violent confrontation. Poverty, not race was the variable we should have been looking at.

The other issue is law enforcement leadership. First problem is the “close ranks” mentality that had folks shaking their heads and confirming for many that police were above the law.

Second was the fact that folks were being shot in the head or shot with tens of rounds. Anyone who has been around weapons understands this is a training issue. You’re either not properly trained or trained to kill, that’s fact.

Leadership, the guys in the offices, seem only interested in careers and photo ops. They seem outta touch with the guys on the ground “driving” a beat. They weren’t interested in policing, they were driven by spreadsheets and promotions.

Lastly the dollars involved corrupted the system. The rules rewarding departments through seizures changed policing to bounty hunters. If you don’t make the big bust your representatives and leaders are asking questions because the jurisdiction next to you just had a 3 million dollar photo op and received a nice chunk of military surplus for their “X Force. Now you have bounty hunters that used to be police dressed as soldiers. The communities see this and react with their own ideas of who’s the bad guy and what does that really mean.

We could go on about McDonalds and obesity. Casinos and gambling, or alcohol and driving. It doesn’t matter the vice you chose. The food, drug, sexual partner, weapon you chose is you reacting to your environment. Your actions based on your mental condition. Focusing on the weapon, pill, or burger is not a solution. It’s a co dependent approach to curing social ills by folks who have no business in the socio political culture of leadership.

Mental health is the most important topic of our times. There are entire cultures suffering from cognitive dissonances as family values. There are political structures that are developed on co dependent strategies. There are folks out there who benefit financially and politically from these confusions. We need the mental health community to sound off. Take a stand and send the message that only psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist and counselors can help us identify the origins of our ills.

Media has become the bitch to the highest bidder. It’s ideologically bankrupt and only interested in sensationalizing American life. You wouldn’t call a carpenter for a broken leg. We need to take a stand against ignorance to save our sanity.

Billions of kids went to school yesterday and came home with bags of Valentine goodies. Hundreds of thousands of people came home from surgery and can’t wait to get off their pain meds. Billions of gun owners shot paper targets and cleaned their weapons and billions of family members and friends hugged a child without ill intentions. This is the time for thinking. Reacting got us here, the same place we’ve been stuck forever.

Semantically Sane

I’m writing this more for myself than anyone else. I’m not refuting or supporting any point of view. I will say that in order for me to sift through the garbage or pearls of contemporary “pop philosophy” I have to spend way too much time and effort. The “truth” is I may enjoy both a little too much.

The “truth wars” were fascinating to me at first. Reading about the battles between realities often times reminded me of a trip to a psyche ward. Listening to presumably intelligent folks dissect philosophy to the point it lay lifeless in pieces on coffee stained copy paper was amusing. The nagging sense that someone would develop any theory or treatise just to be the one to prove truth was or wasn’t true just became nauseous.

Semantics may be the three card molly of amateur philosophers, and I don’t consider myself a philosopher, but I do look for truth. I read and listen as these crafty thinkers shuffle the deck of semantics between formal, lexical, and conceptual semantics to prove they know the truth about truth being objective or subjective; and that’s as far as I’ll go down that rabbit hole.

My point is that truths are found on many levels. It is a truth that catholicism is evil when using lexical semantics. One look at the history of any institution will quickly reveal a violence often touted for the good. It is easy to fall into this trap.

For example: It made sense to the Catholic Church to work in cohesion with the Red Cross to assist Nazi war criminals along the “rat line” to Rome where they could receive their new identities using Red Cross refugee documents. During this time communism was a real threat. Hitler wouldn’t have destroyed the church as communism would, so the Catholic Church chose the lesser of two very real evils.

Using a formal semantic approach those conditions create a frame of mind where the church was only looking out for humanity. Communism’s disdain for the church was a threat to the world and doing anything to prevent communism from spreading further West was a noble pursuit.

Using conceptual semantics I could argue about the innate fact that the world was under real threat during this time. Folks were destroyed by the millions. This was the one real Armageddon times of our history where evil and good faced each other and it created a frame of mind we can no longer grasp, except through stories or movies. Understanding the threat to the world gave every institution a sense of survival, and we think and act different in this state of mind.

It seems the truth is that the Catholic Church compromised its values by helping Nazi war criminals based on their fear of communism. Wether that’s evil or not hinges on individual semantics. I personally don’t believe the Catholic Church is evil, but understand how folks could craft this opinion.

So I could justify or malign religion using these approaches to support the statement that Catholicism is evil as a truth. This rubric seems to be popular among many of the folks out there debating truth. It is not always an intentional deceit by the person espousing their opinion, but it seems plausible that it is intentional on another level by folks trying to popularize their ideas as philosophical. Either way we should acknowledge and highlight how dangerous it is to follow or perpetrate ideas that give us pause.

The truth is never simple. It will always find an exception in the minds of someone trying to justify a position. Language is more complicated than the average person gives credit. Linguistics have been a constant companion of philosophy and can be used as a weapon, crutch, or light depending on intention. All of these variables combined with the complexity of the human condition and it’s response to society and culture make for an elusive target.

It may always be akin to that movement we see out of the corner of our eye that never manifests itself more than an illusion, but haunts our thoughts with something to grasp; it’s there non the less.

Garden of Tomorrow

Don’t mistake me for the workin man
I ain’t down with wages and death
I’m not following another mans plan

You fell for the dream
Cause they caught you sleeping
And you bought the farm

Now you’re afraid to awaken
To the reality
Of what has been taken

You’ve swallowed a lie
And refused to hack
It was easier to follow
Another mans track

Now you look sideways at your prodigy
Wonder when they’ll realize
You’re a sleep walker
Traveling as a man in disguise

All those dollars you paid to a lie
You saw a doctor, who saw a dollar
Now you’re sick a tired
In a medicinal stupor

You forfeited youth
For a lie
And your dignity
Was your high

You’re the American way
Just short of truth
And captured by the day

I know you had that moment,
That moment where the reality superseded the dream
And you looked around at all you’ve collected that’s turned gray and sags with the weight of years and ignorance. Then you were vested in futility.

Suddenly the guy who has nothing redefined wealth and you’re bankrupt by all accounts. You had no sense of what is more,
or less sad.

I see you, I hear you shuffling
Down creaky hallways mumbling
About “back in the day”
When you were weak stumbling
Along behind another mans way

You never stood tall
Bowing down to fools
And applauding other men
Using you as a tool

I created dollars with my mind
Making sense with my hands
Looking after mine in kind
Sharing dirt and sifting sand

We grew strong folks like weeds
That don’t swallow lies for dollars
Or sell their legacy for another man’s pockets full of influence

Revolution will come one day
And all you’ve fabricated will return to green and dirt where you’ll rest
Eternally in the arms of a lie.

It will be our seed that flourishes
In the garden of tomorrow
You got too greedy, too consumed
With the rope we afforded you

Death of The American

A man not clear in his faith is not clear in his thoughts. Either you are or your not, faithful. About what may matter less than an indecisive mind about your own persona. A man in the middle has two masters ruling his existence.

Creeds, oaths, and constitutions are facades for men with a weaker continence. An American was never intended to be part of a government, quite the contrary, a government was meant to be part of a man to protect the interests of those with which he communes.

Throughout his life, an American, uses his time to protect his life and liberty. Neither are afforded by any other man or entity. He develops his strength physically, mentally, and intellectually as to provide for his interests and the interest of those with whom he communes.

A free man stands alone with allegiance to principles, not people or governments. He may have to bear faith and allegiance to an ideal bigger than himself at times to protect his liberty, but his principles do not change, and in the absence of threat he returns his allegiance to himself and his interests. This is the point of the word “bear” in the oath a soldier takes. He must endure the subjugation of his liberty for a time as to protect the greater interest of his liberty. This is a temporary state within the life of an American.

I hear “let freedom ring!” I see pristine flags wisping in the winds of time. I watch parades and ceremonies where Americans glorify the deeds of our Nation. What I don’t see is liberty and independence. I see dependence and authority established without resistance.

Americans calling for more laws while stripping the independent man of his liberty. Americans dividing over resources they didn’t sweat for provided by politicians who own nothing but a plastic title. I see leadership redefined for those weaker men to be considered consensus. I hear lies that Americans ignore for a larger piece of a pie that’s been sitting in the window sill way to long to be edible. I feel we’re lost.

We’ve been so far removed from what it means to be an American weaker men have diluted liberty and independence to compromise and control. We were never intended to be ruled. Read the documents. Pay attention to the language. Understand liberty, understand independence, comprehend the nuances of phrases like “bear true faith and allegiance, these are temporary states of being that have rode the lie of pride into a subjugated existence that’s portrayed as free, you’re not free, wake up.

I bear what dealings I have with institutions like government for the greater good of my interests and the interests of those I love. I bore truth faith and allegiance throughout a career in the military. I sacrificed freedom, therefore I understand that’s over. My allegiance is to my interests now and benefit citizens I’ll never meet or shake hands with, I am no longer my government.

We are in a war within that most cannot see. This war, if lost, will compromise all that it means to be American. I’m not speaking about being patriotic, I’m speaking of independence. I’m not speaking of pride, I’m speaking of respect. I’m not speaking of unity, I’m speaking of liberty. If we remember and understand what it means to be an American and act as such, this will provide for the common defense.

Americans were never meant to be a government, a religion, a party or race. We were meant to be independent folks who cared enough about our liberty and independence that at times we would sacrifice those principles for our greater good, then return home with our allegiance to our own endeavors.

We are in danger. Too many of us are governed by weaker men with goals other than our independence and liberty. They can’t give us liberty, it’s ours inalienably. They can’t give us independence, it’s our heritage. They can’t give us freedom, only take it, and this has been the path for far too long. Stand up alone, be proud of yourself, and let no man govern you into a subjugated state of illusion!

Faux Oppression

Your revolution ain’t special. These virtual warriors out there sending out tweets, blurbs, and blogs about how they’re oppressed in America. Get real. There isn’t a group of folks within these borders who even knows what oppression feels like outside of being bullied in a classroom or cyber space.
It’ disingenuous to use race, gender, ethnicity or culture as a victim status in America. There is one exception and you don’t hear from them, that’s the working poor. They don’t scream on social media or protest in popular cities. They live life at a shade grayer than the rest of the country.

These are the folks you call when the dealer wants to much for your oil change. These folks cut your grass when the chain landscapers are cutting into your budget. These folks repair those hot water heaters in your 200 square foot garages for the same price the contractor charges for an estimate. These aren’t the folks sittin around waiting for a go fund me miracle or SSI.

The underground economy is alive and well. It’s maintained with debts and promises of nothing more than a dollar or work. Taxes are not collected, just debts. Fees aren’t levied, but it costs to do business everywhere. Penalties are harsh. Failure to pay debts means I loss of something valuable, even life in some cases.

These folks live on their wits. Nice things have a price no matter where there bought or bartered. The working poor in this country don’t go to the hospital or doctor. The kitchen is the ER. These folks don’t have pain insurance to support a pain med addiction. They use alcohol for minor pains, WD 40 for arthritis, and barter with neighbors for left over meds. They don’t care about Obamacare, Americare, or any care. Their only care is feeding the family and gas to work.

Folks who work and hustle to stay afloat don’t care about schools and funding. They send their kids to school as a place of business. Their kids ain’t there to be politicized or philosophized. They send their kids to school to work. They remind their kids that school is a luxury and not a place to be weak or spoiled. It’s not a fashion show or social experiment, it’s the kids job and they better take it seriously.

You don’t hear from these folks and they like it that way. You see poor working folks are free. They take hard times silently and good times graciously. They take good times in stride and count blessings or luck depending on how tough life’s been. We don’t want your interference in our health, our finances, or our kids life. We just want to be left alone.

So the next time you have an election, raise taxes, or try to usurp the countries health leave us be. We’ll be fine using home remedies, selling something of value, and whipping our kids ass when they forget who they are at school.

You can have this faux democratic system that creates dollars and privilege for some. You can have your checks and programs for those folks who live on a hand out. Our county has walls; it’s right where the pavement ends and the dirt begins. You can step in the yard with a warning, but the porch ain’t for folks like you. You’re not welcome within our borders.

We’re steadily looming for a way to be American outside of your corrupt system. We by houses lease to own. We maintain our vehicles ourselves or barter work with a mechanic friend. We recycle things to improve our lives, not because it’s cool. We repurpose things because everything and everyone can have a purpose, we dislike throwing things or folks away. Most importantly we see right through what our government has become, and instead of making excuses because we could benefit from the government; we learnt the lesson that some things just serve no purpose other than serving itself.

I’m not “The Whipping Boy”!!!

I can’t write shit with all these considerations.

Fuck the left and right and all the silence in the middle.

Some things are just so obvious they blind us like looking into the sun
I don’t care about no parasitic government that feeds on anything that moves.

I hear all this shit about accept me or I’ll whine dollars from your character.

I don’t have to agree with your stupid ass to be a good person.

I don’t need your funded research to know the truths that you’re creating, fuck you and you’re medicated mania.

I didn’t grow up with exceptions or pills to grab at that one last string of posterity bitch, I lived and died by my own hands stained with life.

I’m normal motherfucker;

I like girls and I’m a boy,

I’m fat and wish I was buff,

I’m poor and love my folks

I’m white and see right through that guilt your scattering like confetti at a history convention full of folks walking on the dead efforts of abstract statues. Your Polo stripes and gold chains are nothing but faux art bitch.

I’m clean and see your fake ass smiling when you come out of the pharmacy looking down on the other addict begging coffee in the McDonald’s parking lot, but I see you hypocritical ass for what it is.

I see your cropped photos with plastic backgrounds that have no scent or taste for living things.

I believe in Christ’ life bitch, and I don’t need your hierarchal ladder that wouldn’t even hold Jacobs weight, it’s a prop. You can’t do outreach like visiting a zoo wearing rubber gloves and surgical masks, then shower off and boast to your mannequins how bold you are. You collect dollars and sweat from the poor to dress the wealthy. Faith ain’t a path to pedigree bitch.

I see your morality dancing on a silver stage with origami bills dancing on coins and yellow promises written in the blood of the laborers scarred hands.

I’m not a privileged prick proud of the table that some fake ass wannabe prepared for his own ability to step on the neck of disparity.

I’m no chameleon either, I’m proud, and you ain’t gonna catch me with no Newport smoking, red hair dyed, Mountain Dew drinking bitch trying to buy me sneakers and pants to wear around my ass like some chain gang bitch. I wear my boots and a belt with my T-shirt stretched over my stomach. My truck shines when it rains and when it’s parked its a tool box.

And these folks that are all wrapped up in clothes and ideas from the opposite sex are fucked up, but it’s cool. Be you, do you!!! Just don’t bring your silly ass around me expecting me to buy into your bathroom fetishes. When we let your ass out of the closet that wasn’t a ticket to take your weird shit into the street, keep it in the bedroom bitch, I got kids. I promise I ain’t gonna try and change you, and you damn sure can’t change me. You’re adolescent peer pressure shit don’t work with grown folks.

I saved this last group to close my rant. These lying ass multi faced pariahs that call theirselves our leaders are done, maybe not gone, but hopefully we’ll make a shift from putting the guy nobody could ever work with in political office so we don’t have to deal with him in real life. These motherfuckers have been playing this role so long they believe the shit they say. They need to take their fluid truths and popular opinions and go back to middle school to revisit phases and stages that were obviously missed.

And those bastards that run around like adolescent cheerleaders whispering lies about the players need to be exposed and made to get a real job that doesn’t drain the coffers.

I’m a nice guy. I live my life simply and don’t want to change anyone. I don’t have to be one of those “off the grid” guys to live my life by the simple truths I’ve learned through lessons and wisdom.

I ain’t racist, sexist, or any other “ist”

I ain’t buying into conservatism, liberalism, or any other “ism”

I am a free man who enjoys a diverse circle of folks who are hopefully comfortable in their own skin. We don’t need the lies that come with your insecurities. We don’t have colors, sexes, denominations, or affiliations. We’re just folks keeping it real. So your welcome to visit anytime, just you though, leave all those other folks you are where they can get fed, not here.

Peace out!!!

Logical Intrusion

Usually folks put some kind of sympathetic disclaimer in the beginning of their conversation when they talk about “touchy issues”, well I’m not. If you wanna be a man, or woman, or both learn to suck it up and realize you ain’t perfect bitch , bastard, whatever!!!

The argument about homosexuality is taken out of context on many levels. Christians and conservatives make it about the “war on marriage”. Supposed “left wing liberals” take the issue out of the scientific realm using sympathetic social cliches like the Russians use plutonium. All this confusion takes away from the truth.

Thinking empirically, as a species of humans Gay couldn’t work for obvious reasons. So “Gay” for the sake of brevity, is not a species.

Gay cannot be a gender for the same reason it can’t be a species; gay cannot procreate and therefor would not reproduce biologically. Wether they have a vagina or a penis they physically fall into the category of one or the other. If they have both they’re an anomaly, not a gender.

Gay does not fit into the race chart because the characteristics are not specific. Caucasoid, negroid, etc all share DNA that makes them similar in origin. Gay can be found within each of the race families.

Gay is not a nationality for obvious reasons. It’s not a sustainable way of life to reproduce and lacks the power to exert its will over other forms of society, I think!

As a culture Gay has grown to become one of the stronger fringes of society. Piggybacking and eventually usurping the woman’s right and colored civil rights movement have put Gay at the forefront of civil rights.

Gay is not a medical condition. Their are no medical differences between Homosexual or heterosexual folks. There are no conditions or disorders or illnesses specifically related to being Gay, other than the obvious relating from the act of risky sexual behaviors.

Here we are again though; to say Gay is a medical condition is viewed as an attack. Mainly due to the logic that. Medical conditions have a cure. That doesn’t go well!!!

As of late there are medical advances to perpetuate Gay as a normal experience, however; there are no vaccines or surgeries to complete the Gay experience as a transition to reproduce. The fact that folks are pursuing these options is a statement against the argument that if used, brings scorn.

This brings us to a really sensitive point. Gay as a psychological anomaly. It’s the only explanation scientifically that makes sense. It is not viewed as empathetic to say we should except folks as they are, as we do with other psychological anomalies. Gay folks won’t stand for that. They believe that a man or woman who wants to be Gay should be accepted without consideration to wether or not it’s normal, meaning statistically within the curve as normal human behavior. Accepting Gay as a psychological anomaly within the human spectrum is not a popular statement, no matter how empathetic you are.

I’ve written this for myself as a human, a Christian, and a citizen. One day my folks will have a Gay person in our family. I want them to know I accept their decision to be whatever they want to be. I don’t want to them to think ill pacify them with ignorance to obvious facts associated with human behavior, but ill love them just like the other humans I know struggling to live and define themselves in the world we live.

Christians are the hypocrites in the issue. Christ went where he was needed and we all know the traps of judgement. Politicians are next in line. They use the whole issue to get votes. One side captures the Gay population and its sympathizers while the other grabs up the hypocrites who oppose the lifestyle. Both sides could be put in one basket really!!!

I don’t hate anything, but ignorance and deceit. I don’t like being told half truths and being expected to believe them just because of some agenda laced with emotion. Show me something about the scientific reality of the biological basis of Gay and I’ll certainly embrace the truth. Until then ill just continue to embrace everyone for who they are and how they choose to live. That’s the human thing to do!!!