Tag Archives: politics

Memorial Day

I hear these faux cries about “Honoring the fallen” around this Memorial Day and I’m thinking, “fuck you and your fake ass emotional pleas designed to support the ignorance of your cause!” Honoring the fallen means picking up the pieces of your life and move forward with dignity and truth towards a life of freedom and prosperity. 

We’re tired of the fucking cliches about “Giving their lives” to support your cause. You political bitches have fucked this shit up to the point we’re losing family members on our doorsteps. We have wounded and dead in our neighborhoods that you cherry pick through to make some color point out of to support your cause. Fuck you. We ain’t safer in our own streets. 

You talk about the safety and concern about our military. What about the millions of parents here at home that have to develop action plans for a drive to the grocery store because it ain’t uncommon in many places for shootings to occur daily. There are 6 year olds in America that practice reaction to fire in their homes and vehicles. 

You go on television networks touting about the Veterans Administrations failures with PTSD as a catch phrase for privatizing veteran services so you can create a new industry on the backs of these mental health patients. 

Fuck you, my my neighbor has PTSD from watching her momma get her ass whipped to the point she was hospitalized. Then you let that bitch that whipped her ass out on bail, then probation with anger management classes so he could learn how to whip her ass and defend his actions. 

Or the momma who’s daughter was run down and killed. Shot in the back in the middle of the street by some fuckstick who grew up as “little man” and never learnt the world wasn’t revolving around his desires, or that women deserved respect like everyone else. Now that motherfucker will see daylight because you ain’t about shit. 

Yeah, I’m pissed about this Memorial Day. I have a loved one my old lady and kids will miss. Shot and stabbed to death sittin around minding her business. My family ain’t safe on the “Homefront”. How is that honoring our fallen soldiers. 

You talk about healthcare and helping the wounded as an honor to the fallen. All you did was play up this PTSD hustle so you could expend the pharmaceutical industry which bled out into society like a pariah. You benefitted with those dollars that paid for that lie about “22 a day”! You financed those deaths because you ain’t got no backbone. 

We’re a nation at war with itself. Not an “us against them” war. An internal war that our leaders profit from by stretching the game or turning a blind eye. You aren’t honoring shit, you’re profiting off those deaths as a fucking career. You’ve been entrusted also motherfucker, when are you gonna man up. 
I served and retired from the military. I honor those fallen through taking responsibility and trying to better myself. I teach my younguns about sacrifice and honor for those that have left us, both military and civilian, through stories and reverence. We don’t cheat folks or stir shit up for our own entertainment. 

Those folks out there trying to lead, forgetting they were chosen to serve aren’t honoring anyone but theirselves. We are gonna fly flags, clean our weapons, and love our families as an honor to those lost home and abroad. Because “This Will Defend” even against you. 

In honor of the fallen service members I say “get right!” You wanna honor those fallen in service stand up and protect the homefront so their sacrifices and the sacrifices of their families means something. We’re tired of slogans and lip service while our families aren’t safe at a picnic. 

Peace out

The True American

To the world
I’m not an evil empire or imperial wizard. I’m not oppressing you, or your rhetoric. I’m the last small voice of freedom screaming into the wind. I achieved freedom along a long slippery line of patriots. I am not a government, I’m an American.

I don’t want your land or resources outside of a fair barter. I have plenty. My land and my resources are also under fire, but it’s safer here than anywhere else in the world. Government in America is creeping closer to what you’ve seen or accepted, but I fight back. I fight within the confines of a shared dream hundreds of years old, but still valiant.

Your monetary system is yours. I don’t need your wealth. I’ve extended my heart to your efforts and it’s been bitten and grasped. That’s how life taught me to look past a dollar, or a euro. You can keep your banks and greased hands along with mine. I’m not a banker. Freedom is my currency.

My blood and dollars have been soaked into the earth around the world. Mixed with yours. Our souls look down with tears at the folly of men with fat pockets and thick waistlines. I am not a mercenary or warrior. I am a defender, a worker, and family man like you. I fight for freedom, regardless of other men’s intent. I’ve bled for you.

I don’t want anything I don’t work for or fairly barter. I have pride in what I create and the freedom I have to do that. I am not threatened by your monarchies, your theocracies, or your oligarchs. That’s your decision, but that isn’t welcomed here. We stand alone each and everyone of us together to protect freedom. We come together to celebrate, participate, or defend this choice.

We don’t want your Gods. We are free to define God for ourselves. Each and everyone of us has a belief that is a guiding principle. Some more than others. Our God is not our ruler. No one rules a free man. And that’s how it was intended. We pray for the world, maybe out of selfishness, but freedom needs a soul as well as a weapon.

You cannot just trample our borders seeking to redefine everything we’ve built and cry about the influence we’ve created in your land. We aren’t hypocrites. You’re welcomed here in the pursuit of freedoms you may be missing, but the American isn’t looking for your way of life. Leave your politics behind and bring a tradition to be shared. Come humbly and you’ll be celebrated, come with intent and you’ll be ostracized. It’s simple. When you go to someone’s house you knock, you bring food or joy, and you respect the table that is serving you.

Our government is dysfunctional, but Americans are resolute. Now might not be a time to join us, we have lots of work to do to clean our house. One thing I promise you. Every American will die a free man fighting enemies foreign or domestic, even if it’s our own government. The colors of our flag and it’s meanings are ingrained in our souls and run through our veins.

Don’t make the mistake of equating us to our government, we tolerate government for a greater good. They have boundaries and we’ll push back when they infringe on our right to be free men. We need you if you truly want to be free and can accept the responsibilities that come with that, many of your countryman have tasted that fruit. We are not accepting revolutionaries or politicians. Only free men need apply.

The True American

Modern Madness

Truth is real as reality is true
For those who enquire
Bidding ignorance adieu

To move along in the realm of subjection
Denying what is objective
Is a grammatical prison

So move past the post modern
Into a new reality that’s old
As the books you burn
Where truth is real and told

This ain’t no microdot mishap
With melting doors and walls
Oozing memories like sap.

It’s that one exception that gives you away
The one I have to ignore
To believe what you say

That’s the point of no return
For sanity and coherence
The truth of you
And a trail of ignorance


Faded glory melds colors and beliefs into a tapestry of tattered flags and parched documents. There was a reason to stand for something that’s lost, there was a prayer for hope that sank, and there was faith that we were different.

There’s an old saying that ain’t safe to whisper anymore; “We can’t let the inmates run the prison.”. It’s true wether you’re talking about prisons, asylums, or governments. When the inmates, patients, and politicians run the country, rather than the people, we’re in trouble.

What this old saying is really saying is folks need a leader when they gather in groups, voluntary or not. Now we can look around in America and say the lack of leadership has led us to a point where the national narrative reads, “I’m gonna go out and hire me a boss!”. We let the idiots loose and it’s like opening a cage full of quail in a corn field.

This ain’t no easy fix. We are surrounded by idiots on all sides with no one to get things in order. The media is at the center and should be reigned in. Words are powerful, the whole “pen and sword” thing. The extremes on our left and right have to be purged with them. Maybe a giant bonfire of words where not even the smoke could whisper to the ears of the ignorant.

This progressive movement was allowed to get outta hand and poses the biggest threat. From the “feelings movement” in the 60’s to the “everything’s subjective” movement of the 21st century the progressive movement that came outta Europe, (France) has steadily gathered a foothold in America.

We can remember the Beatles, which are highly over rated compared to other music of that time, but they were “pop” music and someone was paying their way onto American radio. Today we see public television and radio is riddled with European influence.

Politics have been shaped by this movement. The extreme right is here as a response to the progressive movement. progressives gained further hand holds through NGO’s and health issues. They’ve convinced a large sector of America that healthcare is a right.

In education they’ve shaped curriculum and policy through collaborative endeavors. Our schools and universities are an extension of our government and overtly infringing on parents rights. This is a European model of being on the border of democratic socialism. And if you don’t think there are folks out there in America who will give up some of their parental rights for free healthcare you don’t know your enemy.

It’s so convoluted now there is a national “opioid crisis” being driven by pharmaceuticals and backed by the insurance industry. This crisis puts the addict as the victim of these two industries and their respected influence in politics.

The addict is the epitome of the hustle. They will stop at no length to supply and justify their actions associated with an addiction. They’ve got America fooled, thinking their the victim, when they’re the addict. Yeah insurance and pharmaceuticals are dirty. Doctors and pharmacists are middle men profiting from the hustle. In the end though, you dropped, smoked, or shot some shit that got a hold of your ass and your co dependent circle just spun around with your ass like a “merry go round” that was too cool to jump off.

This is at the heart of the progressive movement. Because someone’s bigger or more influential than you, you can justify your own actions. You have a right to have what others have regardless of effort because that’s only fair. These idiots been raised on the lie that their feelings matter. Their feelings don’t matter, their efforts matter, and sometimes that don’t even work.

These beliefs are new to America on this scale. They have support through all levels of government and throughout society. As Americans many folks think that means they’re entitled to success without effort or work, good intentions paved…….

It’s almost like the right will justify profits and influence at any cost in exchange for a few middle class breaks that keep those citizens secure. On the other hand you have the left that thinks that profit is not necessary as long as everyone’s comfortable and no one loses out on the American Nightmare.

Make no mistake that the progressive movement is a foreign threat. Europe is good at this. They left us the legacy of slavery, then turnt around and freed their slaves blaming us for the institution. Here we are 200 years later still confused. A socialist America is a United Nations goal, especiallyEurope.

The largest effort in history on our two most critical rights are free speech and right to bear arms. Folks are continuing to try to establish court cases within both spectrums to further dilute these rights. It’s no accident or coincidence it’s these two rights always being challenged by the progressive movement.

Throughout American society we see a collective effort by the progressive movement to deconstruct what has been built by strong willed Americans. This is a critical time. We’ve seen the worst examples of the extreme right and extreme left in the past two presidents. It’s time the folks in the middle stood up and said enough.

It won’t be enough though. Even if we reigned this shit in today the damage is done. We have the largest incarceration rate in the world and entertain ourselves with influential criminals walking free on television daily. We have a technological Mecca and Americans won’t even take the time to google facts they regurgitate. We have the most advanced healthcare in the world and it’s produced addicts and hypochondriacs. Our education system is funded like a war chest and parents are having meeting with college professors about 20year olds grades. I can go on and on about how the progressive left has convoluted the American consciousness, but why? The extreme right is standing in the wood line drooling, waiting to baptize me with a dollar and send me back to the grind with a smile and kick me sticker on my back.

We’re screwed and there’s no help on the horizon. I wish I could see that glow in the distance, or hear the faint sounds of intelligent chatter just through the jungle. It ain’t there. Th real problem is if this exploded it doesn’t have a direction; or maybe that’s what’s holding it all together. All I know is I’m gonna sit back and enjoy the ride and brace for the landing.

What could be funnier than the age of “You couldn’t make this shit up!”.

Healthcare Hustle

I’m hating all this healthcare noise dude.

It’s all a lie to prop up an industry. We know that don’t work. Subsidies sunk the automotive industry, mortgage industry, real estate, and now we’re seeing an end of the insurance industry that props up the healthcare industry. Subsidies basically mean I have a great idea that won’t really work, but will make a bunch of people happy as long as you pay for it.

Healthcare funding is really evil. These folks create a sliding scale of health that is akin to niches like the automotive industry. Say you get an error code for emissions and the mechanic tells you it could be a sensor. You replace the sensor and find out your gas cap is not tightened.

Same thing with fibromyalgia. You get told it could be arthritis but the rheumatologist won’t see you because really it is a psychological issue. You get told it could be nerve pain, but the neurologist tells you your synapses fire fine. Now we venture into the sliding scale of autoimmune up to and including MS. So now you’ve been poked and shocked to the point your pain meds have been quadrupled and you still haven’t visited the psychologist.

Now since we can’t find out what’s wrong with you we’ll diagnose you with fibromyalgia, give you meds for nerve pain and one for nociceptive pain to determine another origin. In the end it was psychogenic pain because your gas cap wasn’t on tight, so now you have another pill.

These designer conditions and syndromes invisibly supply addicts with dignity and a legal hustle that destroy families and communities under the guise of medical mysteries when we all “wink and nod” knowing the psychologist knows.

The hustles too deep though. It’s got the patient, the doctor, and the pharmacist locked up in a twisted dance of dollars and dysfunction that has whole families broke and confused while the Doctor and pharmacist tan, riding jet skies on the weekend at family vacation homes. Meanwhile family members scrape up dollars for noodles and cigarettes.

It’s so deep that those folks in Washington are declaring a war on the drugs that are subsidizing their salaries. It really ain’t just drugs though. Them asshats try to hang Ronald McDonald from the arches because there are too many motorized shopping carts in the grocery store. Or the tired ass parent conspiring with a school teacher to medicate little Johnny, then talk about how he don’t like to eat, feigning worry about his weight.

Now they all have support groups. So if you get a condition or syndrome there ain’t no definitive medical diagnosis for like ADHD or fibromyalgia you can join an on line group, order colored t shirts and ribbons, and walk around a track aimlessly together once a year raising money to fund research into creating your medical mystery.

It’s ludicrous because you can’t even question the hustle without seeming like your evil. Folks get territorial when it comes to their addictions. You start to tell folks that the hustles over you’ll have anarchy.

I mean, look around you for a minute. How many folks do you know who are on some kind of medicine. It’s crazy. Either we’re suffering a mass extinction slowly devolving or we’re becoming collectively crazy and would rather medicate something or someone than deal with them or it.

All I know is that some signs are obvious. I don’t care personally if you shop for a condition or syndrome. I don’t care if you hustle meds for cigarette money. I don’t care if you have grander plans for a check. Dude, I ain’t interested in the misery that comes for those few dollars. The process would give me PTSD. Just please don’t ask me to “wink and nod” with you. My eyes are drying out and I’ve got vertigo from shaking my head.

Thoughts on truth and knowledge

Every stroke of the pen brings me closer to the realization that thought is the pathway to all peace. The rigors of survival require ingenuity and fortitude. The constant nature of thought within empty spaces of freedom, untethered to the directed realization that thrive on mutual ignorance, protect us from disaster.

It’s alone where ideas are bold and independent. Consensus is for the weak. To dilute your thought with the intention of others is to rob the world of truth. This is not to say we should reject or dismiss the value of opinion; we shouldn’t concern ourselves with the response to our thought. Great thoughts are validated by time.

Boldness is not a character reserved for the warrior. The thinking man must attack his ideas with the same doggedness as an individual in a life and death battle. These warriors, of words or war, don’t protect their victories or care how they survived, they move on to the next battle with their lessons in hand.

We, citizens of the world, are in a battle with no armor or weapons. There’s a war being waged against our philosophical sense like none in history. An organized offensive that challenges our base of knowledge using opinion and persuasion to attack and infiltrate our sense of what it means to be human, spiritual, and patriotic. They wish to define your thought, direct your thought for their own financial and philosophical profit.

This is the critical hour for critical thinking. We need an Army of thinkers to launch a barrage of thought onto a field of dreamers. Wake up the sense of the common man against the well funded army of idiots using entertainment as a research laboratory for imaginary subjects creating imaginary truths.

Truth stems from reality, not vice versa. Only those brazen enough to blind the masses believe otherwise. Reality doesn’t change and truth relies on this priori path of circular enlightenment. Questioning truth is fundamental. Validating those questions leads to knowledge. However, the question is where the work begins, and just because you have an answer doesn’t mean you have a truth.

The warriors who hold truth must continue to rule while the dreamers challenge reality. It can’t be the opposite or compromise. It must be the rigors of true knowledge that lead us. This does not mean we stifle thought like an oppressive beast of ignorance. Free thought has value, like speculation, or fantasy.

I’m looking for those stalwart minds that stand firm on the grounds of truths. Those minds that evaluate consensus and speak up for realities within the truths of our times. Too many minds have been computerized into submission. Merely aping responses without thought are the fortitude to test what they’ve regurgitated.

We are a world within ourselves capable of creating within the constructs of our environment. We are capable of hypothesizing possibilities within and outside of these constructs. We are capable of destruction as well as construction if we lack the adherence to basic principles as protections from dreamers and mad men.

There are a myriad of examples of great thinkers whom we learned much from. However, if we would have followed them into the path of illusion we surely would live in a crueler world, Nietzsche comes to mind.

There are great ways to think and great thoughts. There are simple ways of thinking and simple thoughts. We can learn from each of these if knowledge and truth are our honest pursuits. You are what you think so protect your senses with a heart towards humanity.

Crayon Box Kids

I know you’re busy. I realize that wasting time on this crayon box shit them idiots been carrying around for years, or a check, is tired. It’s past ignorance if that’s possible. I understand you have to work, take care of family and spend time with friends, but you have to take a minute.

We let these bastards run their mouth to long. Yeah, it wasn’t worth it to shut them up, but it ended up being like the child that was never disciplined and suddenly became too big for everyone’s britches. Now these little idiot actually have folks convinced their legit and he brought the playground with him.

I know you hear about colors that matter and wonder why. Just like I wonder about geeks who are so afraid of the dark they take their sheets outside with them so they can keep their minds hidden under their sheets.

We shut these fucks up for a minute, but they ain’t going away. We knew this and moved on not realizing folks would find dollars in the pockets of sagging pants. We didn’t realize the sheets would get folded up and put away for hair styles. Who knew that these miedra ignorante would steal the cowboys bandana to wipe their ass instead of sweat from a hard days work.

They’re all the same. Like some adolescent bitch in heat they dress up, fix their hair, and show their ass like it’s some booty for mentally incapacitated hood rats who colors kids white, black, brown or red like pit bulls in a whelping box. Who knew we would end up listening to these feminized men trying to emasculate jewelry and fashion to entertain their Momma’s through an audience of baby Momma’s raising little man.

I can’t understand the toothless bastard stealing flags and soldiers medals to paint their town white. Even crazier, there’s a chicken shit cracker eating desk jockey out there buying this fool the paint and brushes as long as he don’t tell no one. You know the one, he has masks and dollars to masquerade as a leader, he cut his teeth in a church building that could only produce a spirit with white robes.

I know you’re out there quietly shaking your head like me. I know you see through the race hustle like I do. Usted ve la ignorancia. We are humans. We left our crayon boxes in elementary school. We aren’t fools lost in some world of physical attributes as power, our power is seeing through bandanas, sheets, and feminized male fashion.

Now we have to speak to those cultures trying to usurp our efforts and failures as their excuse for choosing to get theirs. These micro cultures within our diverse country don’t deserve a voice when they start screaming like little man in Walmart trying to get a new toy. We need to understand for them they’ve been a political bitch for decades to a movement that will stoop to any level to create a vote.

These political pariahs don’t support the poor, they exploit the govt assistance chasing hood rats and their colorful offspring for entertainment. They don’t care about the immigrant that’s no longer Mexican, and will never be American. They make movies about drugs, bandanas, and guns. They don’t care about the poor folks of all colors, they pit us against each other using false stats and cops who work for spineless administrators who don’t know the first thing about leadership. And we fall for the ruse, folks believe there’s a race problem because they are still the political bitch and don’t know the difference between cultures and race.

Old folks say just cause you’re poor don’t mean you have to be dirty. I say just cause we’re poor we don’t mean we have to be ignorant. The more we study, or research, the more we realize them folks ain’t that smart anyway.

Rise above the ignorance. Take control of your reality. Understand that your people are in your circle and anybody trying to represent better step back. A real man don’t let no bitch dressed up acting represent him. We stand tall in our own boots and sandals. We stand with our sons and daughters, wives and parents, as an example of a free man. Free physically and mentally from any influence of dollars or comforts we ain’t earned. We ain’t no particular color, we’re a particular character, and we’re calling Ya’all out!

American Spirit

I was looking through my social media early one morning and was reminded how special the American spirit is to the world. This is a weekend for reflection to many, and as I reflect, I’m reminded how this spirit survives despite America’s government. The separation is clear.

I see the disconnect in the millions of heartfelt messages from folks about our service members who sacrificed all. Many of these messages are from folks who don’t know the pain of this loss personally, but empathize with those that do. We remember the WW11 widow who went on to make a new life with her scrapbook of memories of a love only dreamt, because no one gets left behind.

I read the anecdotes from a friend in Honduras sad about leaving friends behind to return home. I see photo’s of smiling men laboring to improve learning and living conditions for folks thousands of miles away. I feel the American spirit in their photos.

I see young soldiers with backpacks full of miniature flags walking rows of white headstones placing each one with the care of a loved one. I imagine in his mind the glory he dreamt of how each patriot found his home there.

I read about young folks just starting their journey in life upon graduating from 15 years of security and learning. I’ve watched them over the years clean houses and yards for older folks less fortunate. I’ve watched them build structures to lighten the burden for those less physically fortunate. I see the American spirit.

I see photos of babies. Some in hospitals and some taking the first step in a family video. As I read the comments I feel the pain and joy of folks distant or near as the empathize or celebrate with the parents joy or sorrow.

I’ve read the stories of Europe being attacked and the heartfelt comments from Americans who desperately want to ease the pain of someone they can’t even imagine, or might not have even liked. I see the cover photos superimposed with foreign flags in solidarity with folks they will never know.

I see my neighbors cutting each other’s grass. I see the person at the cash register receive change from the cashier because they were a few cents short. I see the folks on the side of the road laughing and joking as they change a flat tire. I read on yard sake sites of mothers giving away baby clothes that no longer fit to anyone who might need them. Everywhere I look I see the American spirit.

There are folks outside and within our country that would have you believe being American is something evil. They’ll point to political figures. They’ll try and convince you that lies and deceit are the coin of our realm. Hell, they’ll even try to convince you we’re responsible for the Christian crusades if you listen long enough. Some of these accusation are truths and half truths of our government, but they aren’t part of the American spirit.

Take time to really reflect this weekend, folks died for this holiday. They died for you before your parents were born. They died before they had children or families of their own. Don’t feel bad about barbecuing, or swimming, or having too many beers with your friends. This was part of why they put theirselves in harms way.

But…. Remember that when the weekend is over they would expect that you would share some old clothes with someone less fortunate. They would expect that you would help out the neighbor who can’t cut their grass. They would expect you support or travel somewhere far away to help out folks in need. They would expect you share a kind word with someone, on line or face to face with a hug.

Trust me when I tell you they knew about the disconnect with the government. They lived and died with it. They worked within it with hopes to change it. They could spot an idiot a mile away. They also understood we aren’t our government, hence; “We the people in order to form a more perfect union….. Remember all the way back to that revolutionary soldier who passed on for you to grill with a machine he could never imagine.

Remember Freedom and goodwill are alive today for your to carry forward. It’s a legacy left to us. I’m encouraged that every second of every day their sacrifices are living and breathing in our efforts to be a better neighbor around the world.

Race and America, a political hustle

I’m watching Charles Barkley’s series “Race in America” and it’s frustrating to hear folks using “civil rights era” language and philosophies to attempt to define today’s divisions among Americans.

Folks acknowledge we are divided more today than ever. They say “race” is the problem in America, but what they mean is culture. This is the latent effect of multiculturalism. We further divided our nation by a hyphenated identity that has exponentially confused folks to the truth of division.

Segregation was the norm in America for decades. We had a “melting pot” philosophy, but the multicultural philosophy was a natural ethnic division. It’s intent may or may not have been intentional, but it had to be obvious that some folks from each division would use these differences to separate themselves.

Now there are divisions that go beyond race. We have gender, class, vocation, age, the list is endless. So now within each culture we have micro cultures and animosities transcend race based on other characteristics. It was inevitable that eventually we would start to use our differences for power. Political, economic, or social power over wealth and resources.

We are human. We are Americans. We are all unique and have characteristics to celebrate and overcome. Whether we are Christians or Muslims, legal or illegal citizens, dark or white we all are human. It’s the politics in America that have largely been responsible for our divisions, not our characteristics. It’s left and right politics that have taken away our shared humanity in order to control groups of voters in the pursuit of power. The moderate voice of reason has been silenced politically and silenced by political zealots.

Resources are finite as population grows. These divisions will mean more than heritage or genealogy one day if we don’t understand them today in context with how society has evolved in America. Government has prospered while society has suffered. European progressivism and their relationship with the civil rights movement are nostalgic for recognition that doesn’t serve America well today. The people and problems are not the same.

We shouldn’t have to wait for these Americans, of all races” to get their civil rights badge and die before we can move forward. Their efforts were valiant and established a base for America to move forward socially, but that’s over, and the reason we have museums. We have to move forward and there are folks off all races doing that, on their own.

This issue of race, is masking the covert use of culture in America and how it’s exploited culturally. Weather it’s a white politician pulling out a photo of themselves marching or sharing tacos, or a black politician waving an NRA membership card talking about “inner city violence” we can’t be fooled. These folks are using the beauty of our differences to divide us for their own political gain. I can’t list all the ways this is done for sake of brevity, but think of gender, employment, income, region, etc… Divide and conquer, it’s that simple.

We have to take control of our politics in order to regain control of our government. Then, and only then can we start to change the narrative of our social divisions. This, in my opinion, is the biggest issue facing America. Bigger than terrorism, health care, or guns.

Multicultural march to segregation on steroids

Multiculturalism as an extension of segregation, culture being the operative word. Folks are still confused today. Most folks mistake cultural indifference for racism. The “hood folks” being the major representation of the black (African American) race. This is how multiculturalism fooled everyone, it further segregated the nation exponentially.

Unfortunately many Americans were able to see the characters they were assigned, hence micro culture. Now the divisions are an endless drama of political and social discord that generates billions of dollars in everything from clothes and food to media and education. There is no incentive to stop dividing.

From contrasting addicts to cancer patients, homeless vets against refugees, even pitting folks who are employed against folks on government assistance the great divide is spreading. This is not accidental. This is our political structure failing and feeding on itself.

These divisions are tactics. The obvious nature of their goal is to create political and cultural anarchy, and they’ve succeeded with the less informed populace to the point folks will believe anything just to be part of something.

No one stands for our country. They feel they have to be on a side. True leadership stands in the gap and brings the realistic individuals from both sides together. This person or people have yet to surface.

The liberal left is heavily influenced by European progressives. They’ve invaded our government structure through positions within the government or with businesses contracted by the government. The European progressives have taken over the American media and are supported through a heavily influenced academia. It is imperative we take a pre Cold War approach to purging our political, educational, and entertainment industries.

The far right is heavily influenced by the “Über capitalist” operating within our economy to sway the balance of capitalism and democracy. They’re supported by the evangelical charismatic factions of our religious communities. The balance of religion and government is challenged by these charismatic figures who’s wealth has surpassed their faith.

Meanwhile, in the middle, many Americans look around in wonder at what’s happening to our country. This is dangerous because our working class folks are the ones funding this lunacy with their taxes. Middle class America is under siege and they won’t get fed up because they believe that the lunatics will go away like they have in the past. That doesn’t look like the case today.

The average guy/gal sits around worried about domestic goals. Vacation, new house or vehicle, and job security. They aren’t in touch with transgender soldiers or ghosts replacing skeletons in political closets. They may watch some satire and laugh or joke, but they’re busy working to make their situations and the situations in their communities better. If we threaten that security we’ll find a much more dangerous America.

The previous administration divided us to a point we haven’t seen since the civil war. We haven’t heard as much about globalization since they’ve been replaced, the Progressive Europeans have been quite within the current climate, but they’re working in the fringe with a handful of folks disgruntled about the election. It will take time for a course correction and if we don’t get 8 years without them it’s gonna get worse.

I’m not sure how much of what’s been done can be corrected, especially within 4 years. We have a lot of work to re establish our positions with our allies and our enemies. We are not positioned globally to be a leader.

No one can predict how this will unfold. Our blogs and other social media posts don’t matter much. Some write to enlighten, some out of confusion, and some to be right. At best we can give “our 2 cents” and hope collectively we can let these folks know we see through their deceits and will comment on them no matter for the sake of truth and the American way of standing up to attempts to define our life or the lives our our friends.